About Us

Welcome to Louis Braille Memorial Trust for Blind, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering the visually impaired community in India. Our mission is to create an inclusive society where blind and visually impaired individuals have access to education, employment, and independent living opportunities.

Founded in 2024, our organization is committed to providing assistive technology, skill development programs, and awareness campaigns to enhance the quality of life for blind individuals.

Our Mission

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Arvind Kumar Singh


At Louis Braille Memorial Trust for Blind, our mission is to:

  • Promote education by providing Braille books, accessible study materials, and scholarships to visually impaired students.
  • Encourage skill development through vocational training and digital literacy programs.
  • Enhance mobility and independence by offering assistive devices like smart canes and AI-powered technology.
  • Raise awareness about the rights and capabilities of visually impaired individuals.

Our Vision

We envision a future where blind individuals are empowered, self-sufficient, and included in all aspects of society. Our goal is to remove barriers and create equal opportunities in education, employment, and daily life

List of other Trusties

Member at managing committee